Restore Image Clickability - Compose Method

This is a procedure to relink Blogger-uploaded images that have lost their link. This method will use two browser windows (not tabs.)

The first window will be used for capturing image addresses.

The second window will be used to sign in and do the actual work. The Compose window will be used.

-Open the browser and view the blog. This will be 1-View.

-Open the browser again in a separate window.

-In the second browser sign in and edit the first post. This will be 2-Edit.

The viewing browser is 1-View, and the editing browser is 2-Edit.

-In 1-View, locate the post that needs the links.

-In 1-View, hover the first image, look on the browsers status line. If the image address does not appear this one needs a link.

For Firefox (and possibly other non-IE browsers):

-In 1-View, right click the image and: Copy Image Location

For IE:

-In 1-View Right-click the image.

-Click Properties.

-Select the Address (URL) by right clicking and dragging over the complete address, from http: to .jpg, or whatever the extension is.

-Right-click > Copy

Both browsers.

-Switch to 2-Edit.

-You should be signed and editing in Compose.

-Single click the image, the image handles will appear.

-Click the Link button Compose mode - Link button. The 'Enter a URL' box will open.

-Paste the image address in, replacing the http://.

-Move to the image size folder, it will be: s200, s320, or, s400 for standard size images.

-Replace the size folder name with: s1600-h

-The address will include: .../random_alpha-numerics/s1600-h/image_name.jpg

-Make sure the -h is present.

-Move the cursor to the beginning of the address and make sure: http:// appears only once.

-Click OK.

(You can do more images before Publishing.)

-Preview, and hover the image, the link will appear on the status line and the link should work.

-Publish post.

-In 1-View, refresh the window.

-Hover the image and the link address will be on the status line—the link will work.


Evan and Clover and Co. said...

Thanks for the very clear directions. The only problem I encountered was that right-clicking on such pictures in IE didn't give me the option of copying the location-- it was greyed-out. Worked around that by pasting the HTML in a notepad application and just copying the source code from there before linking it in the compose screen. Thanks again!

Heather Leigh said...

Thanks so much for these directions. I was able to restore clickability on all of my photos. I didn't see an option of copying the location either, I right clicked, selected properties, then copied the info in the Address field. What I'd like to know now is how to prevent the clickability link from being broken in the first place! :D

Tom said...

If you are dragging images around, try cutting and pasting instead.

theBondarevs said...

This has been very helpful to me too, thank you. In following your instructions though, I can't find the "image size folder" you refer to to change to s1600-h. What am I missing?

Tom said...

The image size appears twice in a Blogger-uploaded image that has a link.

If you go to my post Image with Caption and look at the Standard Blogger image code. you will see the code highlighted.

You shouild see /s1600-h/ in green. That is the linked image code. That is the uploaded size.

In the maroon section you should see /s400/. That is the displayed image size, 400px on the long side in this case.

The difference in your images will be insead of LINKED_IMAGE your server and account info will appear.

This applies to images that have been uploaded to Blogger only. If you use "from Web" when posting images, the size folders will not be present, and a different method is used to size the images. But, the basic method to re-establish a link should work.

BlaqKofi said...

Finally information I can use, comprehend and apply!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the assistance. I couldn't figure out why I was losing the image links.

Jordan and Andrea said...

I've just pasted the link, but then it says to go to the image size folder. Where is that?

Jordan and Andrea said...

I'm stuck. I clicked on the add link button but I think it's a little different than what't being described. There is no image size folder. The only option is the url and the type. Help??

Jordan and Andrea said...

Your instructions were so helpful! Thank you so much this problem was driving me nuts!

Jonesy said...

you absolute legend, couldn't find this info anywhere!

Ruth said...

THANK YOU so much - this was so helpful and easy to understand!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for this incredibly helpful post